the one who chases

Run With Me
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so...there will be a third part....surprise? no, haha, you probably knew i was going to end up writing more again. sunggyu's pov had 9 pages and when this update got to page 11, i accepted the fact that i had to write another part. the run still hasn't started #failramen, but next part it will finally happen.

as you noticed, i've also changed my username! this is still snugglygyumoo (ramen). i found the old name too long and it had been so random. the new one is a mix of awooo (the sound wolves make haha. this is my a/b/o account after all), woof (that's how i always greeted you guys during rotw days) and (woo)gyu :) is it cute? hehe.


PART II: The one who chases

Woohyun stared through the glass front of his office. He could see the desks of his workers from where he was sitting, at least most of them. He was staring at one in particular. His eyes bored holes into the light-brown mop of hair. How he wished he could sniff it, touch it with his fingertips. Kim Sunggyu. At first, Woohyun had been reluctant to hire the omega but his friend Myungsoo had been very, very stubborn about it. They were brothers and apparently Sunggyu had lost his last job because he fainted. Woohyun was pretty sure laws existed against that but Myungsoo had been adamant that his brother would never return to that awful place anyways. Myungsoo knew there was an unoccupied spot in the accounting department of Woohyun’s company and the beta had begged him (on his knees even) to give Sunggyu the job, though the omega wasn’t qualified at all. Woohyun knew the omega had finished high school but never attended a college or anything of that sort.

Still, Myungsoo had convinced him in the end. Woohyun had invited Kim Sunggyu over for an interview and though the omega’s answers had been scarce, the alpha had shaken his hand at the end and welcomed him into the company. (Woohyun just wanted to shake his hand that badly.) Kim Sunggyu had his interest from the second he entered the room, bowing several times while muttering something about being late and then fixing his fringe in a hurry, before almost tripping over the expensive carpet on the floor. Woohyun was smitten immediately, though he could not say why. Sunggyu seemed like the guy you’d normally overlook on the streets or in a club. From far away he didn’t seem very special. When you looked at him from up close, he had pretty features, somewhat feminine even, and a really sharp jaw. There was something about his aura that made him seem like he easily blends into his surroundings. Like he wants to make himself as small as possible to not be seen. But whatever thoughts Woohyun has about asking Myungsoo’s cute brother out for a date, immediately die down when he sees the ring on Sunggyu’s finger. Married. Myungsoo’s brother was married for god’s sake! After Sunggyu left, Woohyun spent an hour pacing up and down in his office, shouting at anyone who dared to enter.

So there he was, eight weeks later, still unable to let go of his obsession. Woohyun knew better than to flirt with a mated and married omega, not to mention that they even seemed to have kids together. When he casually walked by Sunggyu’s desk one day (just to check if everyone was doing their work properly, not for any other reason, of course), Woohyun saw photo frames on it. Inside were pictures of a child; one when it was still a baby and another one where the boy looked older. He seemed like the splitting image of Sunggyu. After seeing those photographs, the alpha spent an hour in his personal bathroom; sulking on a toilet seat and wishing that child were his and Sunggyu’s. Life just wasn’t fair. Woohyun had chased after a lot of men and women alike, thinking they might be the right one, but it had never felt like that. When he looked at Sunggyu, he just knew it was the right person this time. But he was too late and Woohyun felt depressed because of that.

“You know, if you stare any harder than that, the glass is going to break.”

Woohyun jumped in his chair. He stared at Sungjong with wide eyes. “Where did you come from!?”

“I used the teleporter, duh.” His assistant replied dryly and then shoved a bunch of papers into his face. “Sign it, idiot.”

He ripped the pages from Sungjong’s hands and quickly signed everything. “I think you’re the only employee who dares to call his boss an idiot in his face.”

The young alpha flipped his hair. “Oh please, you would never fire me. You need me. Otherwise people will start to notice you are actually an idiot.”

Woohyun narrowed his eyes at Sungjong but his assistant simply shrugged. “I thought you hired me for my honesty?”

“I did.” He deadpanned. “What did you make me sign anyways?”

“Oh, these are just the recent requests for leave from the workers. I already checked with our schedules and sorted out the vacations we can actually grant.” Sungjong took the pages away again. He stopped and clicked his tongue at one in particular. “Did you know Sunggyu is taking two weeks off in August? You know, I noticed it’s just around the time when they do this full moon run in Gotjawal Forest. What a coincidence.”

Woohyun shot him a glare. “Sunggyu is hardly going to attend it. He’s married and mated, plus they have a kid. It’s probably time for his heat then and they’ll-“ He waved his hands around because he didn’t want to say: they’ll have and make more adorable babies together.

Sungjong snorted. “I can’t believe an idiot like you is my superior...but I guess that’s just how unfair the world is.”

The alpha continued to glare at his assistant. Sungjong sighed. “Oh...Why do I have such a big heart? Someone should give me a medal or something for helping the poor lost souls of our society.”


“You know, one might think that if you hire an employee, you’d look at his CV even once. You never read it, did you? Maybe you should do that, and oh, if you want to give me a present as a thank you, there is this bag from Gucci that I want. Thanks.” Sungjong walked out of the room.

Woohyun gaped at the glass door. What was that boy on about? Of course he had read Sunggyu’s CV...or not? The alpha rolled his chair over to the cabinet and opened it. He looked through the files until he found Sunggyu’s. Woohyun wasn’t even sure what he was looking for. Surely that Sungjong was just playing games with him again. “Kim Sunggyu...26....martial status: unmarried, one child...”

His eyes widened. Woohyun pressed his finger on the paper. “Unmarried...he’s not? What- but the ring? The kid?”

He rolled his chair back to his desk and grabbed his phone. Woohyun dialed his friend’s number. It rang a few times but then someone picked up. “Myungsoo, we need to talk.”

“Did something happen with my brother?”

“Yes- No! I mean...are you free tonight? We should have a couple of drinks. It’s been a while.”

“Oh, sure. I’ll just have to inform Sungyeol or he’s going to worry. The usual place, Woohyun-hyung?”

“Yes!” He replied eagerly.

Myungsoo chuckled. “Are you that lonely, hyung?”

Yes, damn it! I’ll make you tell me everything tonight! Why didn’t you tell me your brother is single, you ungrateful brat! Woohyun glared at the back of Sunggyu’s head. The omega suddenly turned around and their eyes met. He quickly rolled his chair around. “Just come tonight, okay? You have to!”

“Sure, hyung, but you’ll pay.”

Woohyun couldn’t remember the last time he had gone out to drink. Not just with Myungsoo but in general. While he was waiting for the beta in his corner, people kept coming over and asking him to dance. Woohyun rejected every single one without even sparing them a glance. He was a man with a mission. He was going to make Myungsoo so drunk that the beta was going to tell him everything. Woohyun would force his friend to spill every single secret about Sunggyu. He felt betrayed because Myungsoo hadn’t told him about Sunggyu being available. Okay, maybe Woohyun had never asked the younger man about it or even shown interest, but he could’ve just said it! He should know it as Sunggyu’s...employer.


His head snapped upwards and he smiled at Myungsoo. “My friend!”

They hugged shortly. “I’m surprised you invited me so suddenly, hyung. I thought something had happened.”

“’s all right. I just wanted to have a nice, long talk with my best buddy.” Woohyun signed the waiter to bring the alcohol.

“Hyung, I can’t drink too much. You know I’m married now. Sungyeol doesn’t like it.” Myungsoo muttered as the waiter brought over several bottles.

Woohyun threw an arm around the other man’s shoulder. “Don’t be like that! Drink with your sunbae! Just like in our college days. You have to relax every now and then.”

“Oh, I don’t know. Sungyeol-“

“Let’s forget about Sungyeol for a while!” Woohyun poured vodka into two glasses. “Just one night. Do me the favor.”

Myungsoo smiled sheepishly. “Fine.”

I’ll make you so drunk you won’t know what happened, Kim Myungsoo!

An hour later, Woohyun was the one totally wasted. He didn’t know what had happened. He was sure Myungsoo had drunken the exact same amount of glasses, but for some reason the younger man seemed perfectly fine. He leaned over to inspect Myungsoo’s face. “Heyu, usedo drinning-“

“Hyung, that was a long time ago. I’m better now.” Myungsoo replied and pushed him back into his seat. “Maybe we should stop. Should I call you a cab?”

“No!” He stood up but then fell back into his seat. Woohyun wheezed. “Tellmeabouchabroher.”

“Sorry, hyung? I didn’t understand that.”

“!” Woohyun waved his hand around. He was actually trying to point at Myungsoo accusingly but his arm just wouldn’t stop moving. “Tell mmm...everythin’!”

The beta lifted an eyebrow. “Why do you want to know about him?”

“He’scuteh...he he.” Woohyun laughed and then hiccupped.

Myungsoo smiled. “Ooh...I see. That’s why you invited me over for a drink.”

“Don’t tell’im I said’at...” Woohyun slurred.

“I won’t. Say, were you perhaps trying to get me drunk so I’d tell you stuff about Sunggyu-hyung?”

The alpha averted his gaze, almost tipping over. “No...”

Myungsoo laughed. “This is gold.”

“Why a’you...not...drunk! Thisis unfair!”

“Do you like my brother, hyung?”

Woohyun flushed. “Y-Yeah. Dun tell’im...he’s cute.”

No wait, why did he just confess that to Myungsoo? Woohyun shook his head to clear it. “Tell me........”

Myungsoo looked at him. “Yes...?”

“Tell me....” Why was it so hard to form a sentence? “...uh...why is his status...unmarried? He has a kid and he’s...wearing a ring.”

“Aish, I told him to take that ring off!” The beta looked at him, his gaze suddenly more serious. “My brother was married to somebody long ago. He died and left Sunggyu behind with their son.”

“You didn’t...tell me!”

Myungsoo rolled his eyes. “I wanted to land him a job in your company, not a place in your bed. Besides, I didn’t even know you liked him and your reputation isn’t exactly the best, hyung. My brother isn’t looking for a one-night-stand or something like that. I do want him to find somebody new but that someone should be ready to commit himself to Sunggyu for the rest of his life. I don’t know if you can do that, hyung. You’ve never had a long relationship.”

Woohyun jumped up from his chair and he managed to not sway this time. He actually felt a little clearer in the head now. He met Myungsoo’s gaze. “I’m serious about him! You don’t know how much I’m staring at him, day in and out, thinking he’s out of my reach! He’s cute...pretty...and he works hard. Your brother is...perfect.”

“Wow, hyung, it hit you really hard, didn’t it?” The alpha snorted and Myungsoo smiled. “You and my brother, huh? You know, Sunggyu makes his own decisions. I can’t guarantee you anything but he’s going to attend the next run in Gotjawal Forest. You should join and if you manage to win his heart, maybe he’ll agree to go out with you. But I warn you, Nam Woohyun...”

Myungsoo stood up and since the beta was taller than him, Woohyun was forced to look up. His friend looked at him with a deadly serious gaze. “If you hurt my brother, I will hunt you down. Sunggyu has been through a lot of and he needs someone reliable who will help him heal. Also, you should be ready to accept his son because they’re a package deal.”

“I won’t hurt him. I lov-uughghh-“ Woohyun suddenly threw up and Myungsoo quickly jumped backwards. “Oh god, I drank too much...”

Once again, he was miserable because of Kim Sunggyu, but at least now he knew how to approach him. The younger man sighed. “You’re hopeless, hyung.”

Woohyun used the weeks until the full moon run to bring his body back in shape. After embarrassing himself in front of Myungsoo, he only had one chance left to save his face. The younger beta had warned him explicitly to not approach Sunggyu before the run. Woohyun was supposed to participate and battle it out with all the other alphas to win Sunggyu’s heart. He’d make sure that the omega fell for his well-toned body and handsome face. No one could resist Nam Woohyun!

He felt very tempted to speak to Sunggyu, to tell him to take that stupid ring off, but maybe it was better that the omega had it on. At least that way Woohyun could be sure no one else would dare to approach him before the run. He guessed that Sunggyu was wearing it for that exact reason – to keep suitors away. Myungsoo told him to wait and he was going to trust his friend on this for one last time. Woohyun wasn’t afraid of losing to anyone during the run. Sunggyu would choose him! He was going to make sure that the omega saw him as the best potential mate. Woohyun was strong, fast, rich and he liked kids. He really had no problem at all with Sunggyu having one kid already. They could always work on their own children next. Woohyun just hoped the boy would accept him. It was probably one thing to win over Sunggyu’s heart but Woohyun guessed that there was no way to mate him without the consent of his son.

When it was time for the run, Woohyun packed his bags and got onto a plane to reach his destination. He had been careful not to be on the same flight as Sunggyu. He didn’t want to seem like a total stalker. They’d just randomly run into each other during the event and Woohyun would be like: “Hey, Sunggyu, you’re here too? What a coincidence!” When he had told Sungjong about his idea, the young alpha had only sighed and shaken his head. “You’re a hopeless case.” What was wrong with his plan? Nothing!

At the hotel, the alpha checked in. The receptionist gave him a smile. “Are you also here for the full moon run, sir?”

Woohyun leaned over the counter with a smirk. “Well, if a beauty like you will be there, I’ll definitely come.”

She blushed and fumbled with her hair. “O-Oh, I have to work. Here’s your key card, sir, please beware that shifting is not allowed on the premises.”

He heard a snort behind himself and Woohyun turned around, his mouth opening for a sharp remark, but then he froze midway. Just behind him stood Sunggyu with a very unimpressed expression. Did Sunggyu overhear his flirting with the receptionist

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705 streak #1
Chapter 3: just finished this again 🥰
Chapter 3: Well written. Love it!
Chapter 3: Ohhhhh
It was really nice
I will miss it TT
Chapter 3: This story is beautiful. Thank you
Chapter 3: 1st chapter was heartbreaking :'( . it's a good and cute story <3<3<3 Thank You Authornim! :D
bine84 #6
Chapter 3: I love this story
Simran20 #7
Chapter 3: I don't know how many times I have returned back to Take a glimpse of this story. I love it.
Chapter 3: I think it's my second time read this story. Love it so much.. It starts with angst but ends with so much fluff and happiness. It's surprising that Gyu gives birth to four pups. And I guess the last pup was the copy of Gyu, starts from the fur and the character too. She likes to hide, like her mom who hiding from outside world for years until the certain Nam Woohyun cracks his haven. Hope to read more abo verse of Woogyu from you... :))
infinitenewchallenge #9
Chapter 1: Even after reading this so many times your writing still makes me emotional! You make really good stories!
my first time to read about abo, definitely confuse me, but it's a good story ramen :)